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What is it?

Art Psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses the process of art making to express and communicate. Working with an art therapist, individuals use art materials to explore and express their emotions and experiences in the safety of a therapeutic space. 

Who is it for?

Art psychotherapy is accessible for everyone. Adults and children of all ages and backgrounds can benefit from art therapy.

Art psychotherapy can be used to explore a variety of difficulties whether social difficulties, anxiety, depression or trauma. It can help those experiencing low self-esteem, individuals facing transitions or processing loss.

Why use art therapy?

Hard emotions and experiences can be challenging to talk about, so art therapy can offer a way of communicating, that can feel less overwhelming. The physical experience of art making, offers therapeutic qualities that can be both expressive and soothing.

There is increasing research to show that art therapy is particularly beneficial to process early childhood and trauma. Through understanding neuroscience, we learn that both early childhood memories, and traumatic memories are stored non-verbally in the  brain; in images or sensory memories, as well as being held in our bodies.

Art therapy can provide a space for these non-verbal memories to be expressed sensorily; using art materials to communicate. Through expressing them creatively, with the support of an art therapist, you will be able to gradually begin to make sense of your experiences.

The Process

Individual art therapy sessions take place at the same time and place each week. This routine helps to build trust and a sense of safety, through the predictability of the sessions. 

A session is client-centred; this means that you the individual, have the freedom to use the time as you would like. There are a variety of materials available, and these can be used as you would like to in the session. 

Book a Session

If you are interested in art psychotherapy for yourself or your child, and would like to know more before going further, please get in touch via email to arrange a consultation.

  About My Sessions  


About Me
Art Therapy
